I am openly gay. My partner and I are openly gay. Being gay or gayness
itself has always been a sensitive issue. Living in a Catholic country like the
has its ups and downs for the LGBT
community. It’s fun to be liked for our humor and
skills (mostly beauty-related). We like to joke around with family and friends.
But it’s a bit disheartening when it comes to religion. We’re Catholics, too,
but it’s saddening that we’re not really accepted in the religion. There’s this
silent air of awkwardness and distaste when the issue of being gay is brought
up during mass, religious talks, and so on.
What I don’t get is that we’re supposed to be brothers and sisters in
Christ yet we’re marginalized due to our sexual orientation. Are we blamed for
our choice? Are we blamed for our nature? Just like having one’s own opinion,
gender preference is the same. I tell people that as much as I want to be
“normal”; to be straight, I just can’t because it’s not in my nature. I hope
people will learn to accept this.
I am happy that a few of my straight Catholic friends have accepted us.
It really feels good to be accepted. If it’s a sin to be homosexual then have
we forgotten that it’s also a sin to be envious; to be a glutton; to have too
much pride; to be a heretic, or to be wrathful? We’re all the same. We’re all
sinners. But we’re all made by one God, too, who I know love us all deeply
despite our shortcomings for (as we all very much proclaim) He is love.
So after my drama on being gay, here is my take on a certain company
that’s very kind and accepting to us gays. As you may all know (if you’re
following my blog), we’re paying for our future home soon. It is being built by
Property Company of Friends, Inc.
or PROFRIENDS. Apart from their professional demeanor and clear communication/explanation
regarding financial matters, PROFRIENDS is really friendly to us gays. So far,
the people we’ve met were kind and had no eerie-feel towards us.
We did not directly say or tell them that we were gay. But telling them
that we will live together (Sam and I) would definitely give them a direct
signal that we were both gay. I think the way we speak, act, and dress already
speak for itself! lol But kidding aside, they were and still are really nice to
us. I feel comfortable communication/dealing with them (I hope they do, too,
towards us).
So to our fellow LGBT community members, join na kayo! Invest your hard-earned money through a home instead
of a condo or apartment unit. Think ahead; think of the future! J I
think it would be awesome to have fellow LGBT people as neighbors (Not that we
don’t like straight friends). Think about it… It would literally be a community
for us gay people.
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